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Microwave oven emission checks

We can test your microwave oven to ensure that the door seals are not leaking microwave radiation which could be harmful to your staff or other users.


Microwave emission tests will be carried out as part of our PAT checks on your other appliances. Whilst we check the electrical safety of your microwave oven we will also check that the seal on the door is not leaking potentially dangerous radiation with a microwave radiation detection machine.

SRT PAT testing Derby logo
Portable Appliance Testing 
service in Derby

To discuss your requirements, call, text or Whatsapp Scott on 07743 641425

(C) 2023 Scott Trelfa T/as Stage Left Lux & SRT PAT,

86 Rivermead House, Bath Street, Derby DE1 3BT


We also offer a vintage lighting rewire, repair & restoration service and handmade bespoke feature lighting

see for more details. 



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